

2020年11月, 威尼斯人平台的教员, 工作人员, and Trustees issued a statement affirming the University’s rejection of racism in all forms and expressing its commitment to creating an anti-racism action plan. 虽然大学一直致力于解决多样性问题, 股本, 以及包容问题, 至关重要的是,我们要诚实而直接地解决我们社区中的种族主义问题. We realize that anti-racism must necessarily include attention to intersectionality and that this work is needed to ensure equality for all members of our University community. We also recognize that this work impacts individuals personally and appreciate the work that our campus community has already done, 通过个人和多个团体, 解决这些问题,改善我们的社区.

实现我们在……中所作的承诺 反种族主义的声明, 特此设立反种族主义委员会,其目标和职责如下. ARC将确定, 评估, and make recommendations regarding any University systems that fail to promote best practices of diversity, 股本, 和包容, 包括那些可能对历史上被排斥的人群产生潜在不同影响的因素. ARC还将监测其建议的政策和做法的实施情况, 根据需要提出进一步的建议或修订,以提高效率. Given the goal of advancing the knowledge of all on this critical issue that has a profound impact on our University and our country, 我们必须致力于这项工作. 这项工作不仅是为我们现在的学生进行的, 教师, 不仅为员工,也为子孙后代.

The ARC will collaborate with the Board of Trustees DEI Committee and the University’s senior leadership to identify, 更好地理解, 并解决黑人面临的任何不平等(当前或历史上的)问题, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, 还有其他有色人种. The ARC will aid in ensuring that the University is not engaging in any practices that have a disparate, unintended impact on those populations while also recommending next steps to address the effects of those practices on our constituencies. This work is done with an understanding of the University’s longstanding history of promoting diversity, 股本, 和包容 and acknowledging that the University has a strong commitment to continuously improving our work to promote inclusive excellence. ARC还将审查政策和做法,以确定促进多样性所需的改进, 股本, 以及所有种族群体的包容. The ARC will build upon the foundation set forth in the University’s Anti-Racist Statement and develop a proposed anti-racism action plan to be embedded into the goals and objectives of the University’s Strategic Plan.

The work of the ARC will be based upon the central tenet that we are all responsible for removing institutional barriers that inhibit student success and providing each member of the university community with the consideration, 正义, 尊重, 机会, 和支持来实现成功.

为了完成这项工作,ARC将进行评估并提出建议[1] 关于:

  • 开发与多样性相关的关键指标, 股本, 以及与卓越机构合作的包容性. 这些指标将被审查, 共享, 并进行评估,以便更好地了解大学在哪些方面取得了进步,哪些方面需要改进.
  • 招聘, 招聘, and onboarding processes to provide greater racial representation at all levels of the University: senior leaders, 教师, 工作人员, 以及研究生和本科生, with the understanding that the Board of Trustees is committed to further diversification of its membership.
  • 全体学生的能力, 尤其是历史上代表性不足的学生, 进入大学的杰出课程, 包括荣誉项目和社团, 奖学金选拔, 竞争激烈的学位课程.
  • 校园项目和演讲者的多样性.
  • 为每个人如何对待、尊重和包容有色人种设定期望.
  • 政策, 程序, 以及被认为可能对黑人产生不成比例的负面影响的做法, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, 有色人种.
  • 如何改进大学流程, 程序, or financial priorities to promote student success and academic excellence for all 学生 on an equivalent basis, 不分种族或民族.
  • Curricula and pedagogy to promote educational equality and ensure that the University provides an education inclusive of the history, 成就, 文化, 视角, 以及有色人种面临的挑战. These recommendations should include ways to make race and the history of racism more central to our curricula and educate all 学生 on these critical issues.
  • Ways to promote the 教师’s professional development in pedagogical practices that engage 学生 of color and address discriminatory conduct (such as microaggressions) to ensure an inclusive classroom experience for all 学生 across all programs.
  • 最近进行的校园气候调查以及如何为有色人种改善校园气候, 包括何时以及如何进行未来的校园气候调查.
  • The representation of diversity in the naming and iconography across the campus and recommend 机会 to make improvements and/or provide historical context.
  • Safety on campus and how to ensure that 学生 feel safe when interacting with campus 公共安全 or local police, 与确保公共安全的需要相平衡,以确保我们的校园安全,并应对校园危机.
  • Ensuring adequate and equally accessible support services for 学生 while also ensuring that these resources are equipped to respond to and assist 学生 who are suffering from the effects of a society impacted by historic and systemic racism.
  • 教师的教育/培训/专业发展, 工作人员, 学生, 以及更广泛的反种族主义团体.
  • How to best address issues of intersectionality and the more significant impact those issues may have on Black, 土著, 拉丁美洲/ a / x, 有色人种.

ARC will be mindful of diversity 和包容 work occurring on campus through other committees and groups and will collaborate and communicate with these groups to integrate their work with the charges and purposes of these different groups. ARC将定期向总统提交报告, 总统内阁, 以及董事会DEI委员会, 包括他们对本文所述问题的建议. 总统和总统内阁将决定接受哪些建议, 下降, 或者在ARC提供定期更新时修改并向校园社区报告这些决定. 总统, 总统内阁, and DEI Committee will ensure that recommendations that require decisions or policies by the Board of Trustees will be raised to the Board for consideration through the Board’s DEI Committee.

ARC不会承担第九条和平等办公室的工作,因此不会听取意见, 调查, 裁决, 上诉聆讯, or otherwise respond to any claims or allegations of discrimination or individual claims or complaints regarding 股本 和包容. 然而, recommendations from this committee may inform the work of the 第九条 and Equity Office or the policies or processes that guide this office.

与总统和总统内阁协调, the ARC will provide an annual report to the campus community and host an annual forum to communicate and engage in dialogue. 此外,ARC将在其工作年度报告之间至少提供一次最新情况. The updates will include information on the adoption of its recommendations and the outcomes and efficacy of those recommendations that are implemented.

The ARC will be co-chaired by the University’s 高级的多样性 and Inclusion Officer and a Faculty Member and its inaugural composition of representation will be:

  • 高级的多样性 & 共融事务主任克里斯托弗·琼斯(联合主席)
  • 教职员、博士. Adriana Alvarado(联合主席)
  • 专业发展和参与式学习副教务长凯利·德赖斯
  • 教育学院院长,马里奥·马丁内斯
  • 本土学生项目主任,诺拉·普斯坎普
  • 教育学院招生主任助理,凯·托马斯
  • 教师代表
  • 学生代表
  • 校友代表
  • BSFSAA代表
  • UCIC代表


[1] 看到“推进校园反种族主义战略的框架全国高等教育多元化官员协会(2021年).